Saturday, June 2, 2007

Amost Famous

It has been a privilege to watch you embrace the gift that God has given you. From that nervous voice leading worship in an old barn to hearing your songs on the web. From you sounding like Dave Mathews to now having your own sound. From just being that guy with ear rings, who is dating my sister, to being my friend and my brother. When I think of worship, pure worship, the kind that doesn’t care what other people think, the kind that lets tears run down your face, the- in a crowded room its only me and God kind of worship, I think of you singing that night you joined Victory Point. I don’t exactly remember all the words or the tune, but I remember that you were gleaming. In that crowded sanctuary you were singing only to GOD. You set that song on the alter before our KING. Don’t ever lose that. That is what makes your music great. I am writing this to encourage you for your journey ahead. Only God knows what is in store for you. Remember to take time to listen to GOD and stick true too him. “The praise’s of man will never ever stand”. You have encouraged me and pushed me and I thank you. As popularity grows and stage lights get brighter my prayer for you is that you never lose your fire!