“Let the little children come to me”
“For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”-Mathew 19:14
My baby girl Is one year old
There is a story here Just waiting to be told
I love to hold Kennedy When she’s fallen asleep
I’ll always come running At the sound of her peep
In the middle of winter When things are dreary and grey
Looking at her picture Brings sunshine to my day
As I watch my baby crawl And slowly learn to walk
I get all choked-up So I can barely talk
God’s right there When we stumble and fall
Waiting to help us For his name to call
There’s no greater love Than through a parents eyes
That I could love so much Took me by surprise
God has taught me some things Through my daughter
He will love me always When I’m good and when I falter
When we follow his way When we do his will
It puts a smile on his face It gives him a thrill
Jesus said come onto me just like a little child
This idea to me sounded kind of wild
How much Kennedy depends on me This level of trust
Coming to Jesus as a child Is a define must
I’d give up my life So my child could live
Sacrificing his son Was so much to give
Lord, live in Kennedy’s heart Help her to follow your way
So we can spend forever together On that Glorious Day
Spring 2006 - bryan rotman