Sunday, February 4, 2007

Can you hear me now?

Can you hear me now?

God where are you?
Where did you go?
How come I can’t feel you?
How come I don’t know?

Where do you go when the music ends?
Why do I feel alone in my circle of friends?

I take time to bow my head before I eat
10 seconds of heartless prayer
Is that where we meet?

How do I not make life about me?
-about how I live
How do I make it about you?
What can I give?

I’m in a valley Lord
What’s the deal?
What is this emptiness that I feel?

Take me out of the darkness
Put me into the light
Together we will defeat Satan
We will win the fight!

Summer 2006 - bryan rotman



You are the most important person in my life
You are my best friend and a great wife

Last year at this time you were pregnant you know
Happy indeed, you could tell by the glow

On the way to the hospital I was gripped with fear
What if something went wrong with my Daysha dear

I prayed to God to put my fears to rest
Watching my wife in pain put my faith to the test

The doctor told us this baby will be big
We both thought he was telling a fib

You were a trouper through the whole thing
For into this world a baby you did bring

A little baby girl to your delight
Of course it was, cause your always right

This year has brought a lot of changes-that sure is true
It is no longer just me and just you

Diapers to change and bottles to make
Sometimes it is… a lot to take

You do it all usually with a smile
Even when folding laundry out of a pile

We go to bed a little earlier and show up a little later
But to our little girl we sure do cater

Kennedy has brought out in us a love we barely knew
A reflection of how God loves me and loves you

God has given you the gift of being a mother from above
You show: Patience, Kindness, Gentleness, and Love

A kind of love that puts someone else’s life first
A kind of love that sees all the good and forgets the worst

It is hard putting into words what I am trying to say
I love you more each and everyday

MERRY CHRISTMAS 2005 - bryan rotman



What is grace? What does it mean?
Is grace just understood but not to be seen?

Is grace a fancy word we learned in Sunday school?
Something we use in prayer to make us sound cool?

Is grace giving-up that parking spot at the mall?
Is grace not poking fun of that kid in the hall?

Is grace helping someone you don’t even know?
Is grace forgiving without a big show?

Is grace laying down your life for a brother?
Is grace forgiving the sins of another?

Is grace being nice to someone you don’t like
When you would rather tell them to go take a hike?

God has shown me grace through his love
Its in my heart not way above

Salvation is a gift not something we’ve won
Salvation is not a reward for the good things we’ve done (1)

God pours out his kindness on us like a flood
Our freedom was bought with his sons blood (2)

We must obey God we belong to him
Don’t slip back to your old ways of sin (3)

Now we must be holy in all that we do
Because God is holy and he chose you (4)

God’s grace to me is a brand new day
I can do it! Jesus has shown me the way

Grace shouldn’t just be something we understand
Grace should be a picture of every God’s MAN

(1) “He is so rich in his kindness that he purchased our freedom through the blood of his Son” Ephesians 1:7
(2) “Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done” Ephesians 2:9
(3)”Obey God because you are his children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of doing evil.” 1 Peter 1:14
(4) “But now you must be Holy in everything you do, just as God -who chose you to be his children -is Holy”
1 Peter 1:15
Spring 2006 -bryan rotman

Let the Little Children

“Let the little children come to me”
“For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”-Mathew 19:14

My baby girl Is one year old
There is a story here Just waiting to be told

I love to hold Kennedy When she’s fallen asleep
I’ll always come running At the sound of her peep

In the middle of winter When things are dreary and grey
Looking at her picture Brings sunshine to my day

As I watch my baby crawl And slowly learn to walk
I get all choked-up So I can barely talk

God’s right there When we stumble and fall
Waiting to help us For his name to call

There’s no greater love Than through a parents eyes
That I could love so much Took me by surprise

God has taught me some things Through my daughter
He will love me always When I’m good and when I falter

When we follow his way When we do his will
It puts a smile on his face It gives him a thrill

Jesus said come onto me just like a little child
This idea to me sounded kind of wild

How much Kennedy depends on me This level of trust
Coming to Jesus as a child Is a define must

I’d give up my life So my child could live
Sacrificing his son Was so much to give

Lord, live in Kennedy’s heart Help her to follow your way
So we can spend forever together On that Glorious Day

Spring 2006 - bryan rotman

Poor man's cry

Poor mans cry
“Fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you” 2 timothy 1:6

The Lord is my shepherd,
I have everything I need
Why is my life
Full of Desire and Greed?

As I surf thru the stations
Trash is all I see
Sitting here wondering
Why doesn’t God speak to me?

I spend hours watching TV
Only moments in PRAYER
That’s how I show God
That I really care?

Deadlines to meet
People to see
Someone will feed the hungry
Why should it be me?

The thoughts that I think
The things that I say
Am I really a Christian…
Could this be the way?

The way I treat my neighbor
What I say behind his back
You gave me your WORD
But is my life on track?

Jesus took my sins to the cross
They died with him there
Then why do I carry around
This sin and despair?

For he chose me
Before the beginning of time
Why can’t I let go
Of this Life of mine?

Fan into flames
The gift you’ve been given
I’ve got a long way to go
But I know I’m forgiven

Chorus: My knee’s hit the floor
I lift my face to the sky
“Father forgive me”

Winter 2006 -bryan rotman

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Big Matt Daddy

“For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them.“ Mathew 18:20

I have a band of brothers
There’s more than two or three
So when we meet together
We are joined by GOD Almighty

And when we meet together
Our lives we do share
As brothers we kneel
To the father in prayer

There are so many people
That push me to the test
The path is very narrow
I’ll try to do my best

In the mist of my troubles
In the darkness of tears
I feel your arms around me
Your presence melts my fears

Jesus walked this earth
And sin he did not
He set the example
That I fail a lot

Where is my example
Of what a father is supposed to be?
You took my earthly father
So he could be with thee

Because of Christ’s blood
I was created new
Please give me wisdom with my own son
And tell me what to do

I feel like I’m walking blind
I wish that I could see
I can do all things
through Christ who strengthens me

Its hard to be patient
Sometimes all we can do is pray
I knew that you were listening
Because the phone rang today

You are the ultimate Father
Jesus could not be won
The temptation of the devil
Was no match for the bond with your son

For my brother in Christ-Matt
winter 2006 - bryan rotman


Friday night @ the Lilley pad

Should I focus on end times? What’s going on in the middle east?
Should I spend my time worrying…watching for the sign of the beast?

Can everyone be a prophet? Does God have a word for us all?
Is there something wrong with me…If I can’t here the call?

The Bible is full of superstars…Men after God’s own heart
What about the average Joe’s…did they still do there part?

Jesus took twelve average guys…they went and changed the earth
What about the people they taught ? What was their worth?

What about those who love God…and struggle day to day?
What about those who are content…just following his way?

What if I live out Jesus…through my daily life
Can I show Jesus…through my happiness and strife?

I’ve never spoken in tongues…But I speak to God as a friend
I know I’m getting through because the answers he does send

One of my favorite ways to praise the Lord is through a good song
My voice isn’t good…but I still sing along

I’m just one of the choir My praises to God I bring
Just because I’m not the Director…doesn’t mean that I can’t sing

Gods made us each one different with a different job to do
God lay it on our hearts and minds…so we can live for you

“God has give each of us the ability to do certain things well. So if God has given you the ability
To prophesy, speak out when you have faith God is speaking through you. “ Romans 12:6

Spring 2006 -bryan rotman